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Monday 28 November 2011

Info Post
(2008) **

It took me two or three attempts before watching this movie (unenthusiastically) in its entirety. Laura and Roy (credited as Lauren and Ray on the imdb website, and as Laura and Roy on Netflix; since there can be no consensus I will just refer to them as R and L) are a couple overcoming L's recent discharge from a mental hospital and decide to get away for the weekend in a cabin that R owns.

Along the way R and L can be seen bickering over the little things, and it really bugged me that R would repeatedly blame L's hallucinations of evil stalking clowns on her emotional and mental vulnerabilities. Throughout the movie he talks to her in a condescending tone and doesn't offer any constructive solutions – like, say, let's leave the isolated cabin for the comfort of a bustling city? I don't have any experience with looking after someone who had spent time in a hospital, but I would never, EVER:
a) leave them alone, unsupervised, and/or
2) dismiss their paranoia as a handicap, and/or
iii) undermine their decisions for not wanting to go somewhere or do something WITHOUT offering an alternative choice.

That being said, let's move on to Dissecto the Clown!

Genderless and wearing a Jay Leno mask done up with clown paint, this badass doesn't show any remorse for killing people. More methodical than Gerdy the clown from 100 Tears, Dissecto is void of any background knowledge other than acquiring a home in the middle of nowhere as well as shiny tools with which to pick people apart. The ending was cryptic and unexpected, but because Dissecto was so darn entertaining to watch I'm bumping this one up to 2 stars from my original 1.5.


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