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Friday 7 October 2011

Info Post
(1977) **1/2

This was Marilyn Chambers’ big break away from porn film. She probably should have stuck with what she did best. After a motorcycle accident, Rose, a badly injured woman is transported to a hospital. A plastic surgeon applies a new experimental method of skin graph, it goes horribly wrong. I could have guessed it, when you hear Theremin music in the operating room it’s always a bad sign.

The operation results in this asshole looking thing under Rose’s armpit. The asshole has a penis like probe that spears people and sucks out blood. No I’m not making this shit up.

It also infects the victims turning them into crazed bloodthirsty maniacs. Yeah, this is some far out crazy shit! Anyway, the infection starts to spread and the military come in to quarantine the town. At this point Rose finally starts to figure out that it just might be her causing all the trouble.

Oy! I give it 2 ½ stars for originality and that’s about it. If you want my opinion, she should have remained behind the green door.


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