Breaking News
Friday 2 September 2011

Info Post
Since word came last month that Brian Kirk, best known for directing episodes of the first season of the cable series Game of Thrones is likely to helm Thor 2 replacing the outgoing Kenneth Branagh--nothing more has been said officially....

Tom Hiddleston, who played Loki in the first Thor film and the upcoming "The Avengers", tells MTV News that "I don’t know that that’s actually confirmed. That’s not me being coy. I spoke to Kevin Feige last week on ["The Avengers"] set and he said, 'Oh no, we haven’t got anyone yet. We’re thinking about people. I think [Kirk's] name is definitely in the hat, but I don’t think anything is solid."

We can expect shooting to begin on the sequel in the first half of next year...

 "I think probably next spring is the idea because the release date is locked down"---The sequel is set for release on July 26, 2013.

Hiddleston adds that Loki will be darker in 'The Avengers' - "In 'The Avengers' he’s really dark and kind of sociopathic, or maybe even psychopathic is the word, in a deluded way. Obviously I haven’t let go of the spiritual damage at the heart of him, it still comes from that lost place, but he’s just incredibly nasty. I think that probably in 'Thor 2' his previous actions will, he’ll have to take responsibility for what he’s done."

"The great thing about Loki is there is potential in him for greatness and awfulness, for great heroism and great villainy. There are still, even within 'The Avengers,' there are moments where you see within Loki a glimmer of hope and that possibility of redemption… This isn’t definitely going to happen, but I think there would be nothing more awesome than seeing Loki and Thor fight somebody side by side."

The Avengers hits theaters on May 4, 2012


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