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Wednesday 12 October 2011

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Evil Come Evil Go
(1972) *

A religious kook kills men in the name of the lord. She and her newly recruited minion go on a killing spree by seducing men into their hotel room, then stabbing them in the throes of sex. They prance around singing church hymns and spouting about putting an end to pleasurable sex. I’ve now seen more untamed 70’s bush than any human should have to endure in one sitting. Although there are several laugh out loud scenes, mostly the murder scenes, I would strongly encourage skipping this one, unless you like 70’s bush that is. I say evil came and boy was I glad to see it go.

Terror at Orgy Castle
There is not enough skull to hide that bush
(1972) *

This is a vampire tale, well it’s supposed to be anyway. The countess at a big dark castle entertains a young couple. More sex than violence here, really just an old soft core with horror undertones. Best line of the film; three naked women are present in the room when the dude narrating says, “They don’t seem to worry about drafts here in this clammy hall.” Tony was quite amused by that. I waited the entire movie for the terror to arrive but mostly all I got was orgy. There is one more film on this disc, I’m not sure how much more unkempt 70’s nudity I can stand.

Satanic mask of animal verility. I'm not kidding, that's what they called it.

The Hand of Pleasure
(1971) *1/2

Dr. Dreadful and his rogue group called The Hand of Pleasure, extract secrets from national spies by using sexual torture. This was the third of my orgiastic ‘70’s horror soft-core films. The women sound like demented cats in heat. The men sound like panting dogs, gross. I gave this an extra half star because I laughed hysterically at this line, “Officer, it appears he was sucked to death.”

"So where's the party?"

I don’t know why I thought I might find something redeemable in any of these film, especially considering the titles. Three films I could have lived my whole life happily without ever knowing they existed. So bad they don't deserve individual posts so I packed them together just like they came to me, on one dvd loaded up with poop. Where’s Whirly? Isn’t she supposed to be watching these so I don’t have to.


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