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Thursday 27 October 2011

Info Post
(2008) **

When five thieves score a big theft at an art gallery, they decide to spend the night in a warehouse waiting for a buyer the following morning. The warehouse belongs to two of the men, who are brothers, and it is apparently the site where their father shot porn films (you can already tell these are very wholesome people). In the meantime, strange numbers appear written on the wall in blood, they take a female hostage named Jennifer, and have terribly generic “discussions” about why Robin Williams is the funniest man on earth (they're really just espousing generic knowledge that anyone would know but doesn't really illustrate their respective opinions).

The plot thickens as an obviously dead female figure frees Jennifer (though she doesn't immediately leave the warehouse for unexplained reasons) and individual thieves plot against each other like another juicy episode of Survivor
You've been voted off of Toilet Island.
When the boys' macho attitude escalates it results in one of the most predictable scenes where each gets his turn to declare, “Ok, just calm down and we'll talk this over” (with exaggerated hand waves). By the end of the scene each man has a gun pointed at another: “If you don't put your gun down I'll blow your brains out” – “If you shoot him I'll put a bullet in your head so fast. . .” *rolls eyes* 
These numbers confuse and enrage me!
Once the boys are done playing with their guns they resume the search for the elusive Jennifer and encounter two more dead women who sometimes appear real and sometimes appear delayed in static as if they are being projected on a television. When it's revealed how the women died in the warehouse the movie stops being scary – not that it was, really – and you start rooting for them (not that I was rooting for the misogynist, macho thieves in the first place). The ending is rushed, and the mid-western accents (or Canadian?) accents of the main characters takes off any tough edge they'd been establishing in this 90-minute film.
To summarize: I wouldn't recommend it but I wouldn't stop you from watching it. The effects are decent and the story offers something as far as creativity and atmosphere, but whether it's of any value to you is questionable.


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