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Friday 28 October 2011

Info Post

(2006) ****

New parents Juan and Sonia move into an old house with their infant son. Rifling through a box of used baby items they find a baby monitor, which they place it in their son’s bedroom. Later that evening while trying to drum up some hanky panky with Sonia, Juan hears a man’s voice through the monitor speaking to the child. Rushing into their son’s bedroom they find their infant alone. Spooked by this incident, Juan purchases a pricey video monitor the next day in oder to keep an eye on things. Later, when Juan awakes in the middle of the night he glances at the monitor and sees this,

The police are called but no one is located in their home. Because Juan is the only one who saw the man, Sonia becomes increasingly annoyed with his obsession/paranoia over this incident, eventually taking their son to her mother’s home until Juan pulls himself together. Meanwhile, Juan purchases a dozen monitors and places them throughout the house hoping to catch another glimpse of the mystery man. Then things get really freeeeeeeaky.

Yowza, this film delivers the chills! The Baby's Room is part of a series of films that came out of Spain a few of years ago (6 Films to Keep You Awake). I knew nothing about it going into it and it caught me off guard with its intensity. At a brisk 76 minutes in length the film wastes no time getting to the chills. It would be criminal to give away any more of the plot but I assure you that the hairs on the back of your next will remain standing throughout. While the French seem to be the leaders of violent horror movies at the moment it seems that the Spanish have stolen the creepy movie crown from the Japanese. Stream it on Netflix, highly recommended!


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