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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Info Post

I've been frustrated several haircuts in a row because haircutters have some phobia about doing this:

I want straight lines going up from my head, NOT outward curves. This drives me nuts. It seems like every time I get swayed by what they say and then I go home and have to take it in a little myself (and fuck no I'm not going back to get it fixed because I don't have the goddamn time). So I resolved that I was going to DIY my next haircut.

Obviously it's going to be a while before I have to worry about any outward curves coming out of this dome. I started with the back and sides, planning to keep the pineapple-y top/front thatch. And then I got curious what this would look like. And once you start, you gotta finish. It's been over a decade since I balded myself. It's weird because I keep forgetting and then see my reflection or shadow. But I looooove running my fingertips over that fuzz. And so does Zack.

"Daddy's fuzzy head!"


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