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Sunday 16 October 2011

Info Post
(2010) ***1/2

I would actually have rated this 4 stars except that I rated the first movie 4 stars and this one did not scare me as much. Thinking back, I should have rated Paranormal Activity at least 4.5 considering how much it freaked me out. Then I could have comfortably rated this at 4.  C'est la vie!
JPX summed up the plot in his review last year, so yeah, I'm doing that thing.  Here's what I liked about this movie:  I think they did an excellent job of blending the story from the original PA.  It didn't feel forced or contrived.  Once again, the male figure in the movie, Daniel the husband, is something of a jerk - as Micah was in the first.  Non-believing in the face of mounting evidence.  Although once shown a scene he can't deny or explain, (via the in-house security cameras) I have to admit, he does spring into action.  Having the security camera set up was a smart tactic by the filmmakers as it allowed for more visuals throughout the house when shit starts to get creepy. And it definitely does.

As in the first, the tension is slow-building.  What was different about this experience however, was - as desroc pointed out - you spent more time playing "I Spy" during the static shots to try to see what was going to move or appear.  Who can be the first to spot the new threat? So even though the scares were still effective, I think that aspect took some of the freakiness out of it for me.  The last twenty minutes really deliver though and again, dovetail very well with the first movie. I really liked the ending.

Overall, an enjoyable, jumpy scare kind of movie that I would recommend.  Now I can go watch the trailer for PA3 which I've been avoiding because I wanted to see this first.  (And yes, JPX, Paranormal Entity is on my list to watch too!)


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