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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Info Post
(2010) ****

Six years ago, a space probe crashed in Northern Mexico. Since then, monsters have been roaming around the area, leading to a joint quarantine by the United States and Mexican governments. After an attack in a non-quarantined portion of Mexico, the daughter of a newspaper publisher, Sam, is injured and put in a hospital. A photographer for the newspaper, Kaulder, also in the area, is given the task of getting the girl back to the good 'ol USA. Unfortunately, a few things go wrong on their journey back (think too much tequila), and the two have to make their way back by travelling across the infected zone.

This was a really good movie. It's so nice to start horrorthon with a good one like this, because I'm sure I'll have to rent another dozen bad movies before I come across anything nearly this good again. I don't think many people heard about this, because, since it came out less than a year after District 9, this was probably viewed by some as a cheap imitation. It is indeed cheap. The special effects are nowhere near District 9, but what they lacked in visual appeal, they made up for in character development.

The two actors playing Kaulder and Sam have genuine chemistry to the point where, we actually care about them and worry about what their fate will be. This isn't a love story, but it's still stirring to watch what kind of relationship develops in such a desparate time. There are only two big scenes where we get to see the monsters/aliens in action, but the rest of the time, the tension builds as these two make their way through the infected zone.

Please, somebody else rent this or on-demand it or whatever. It certainly won't be the scariest or goriest horrorthon selection, but it is worth your time.


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