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Friday 7 October 2011

Info Post
(2009) ***
Giant insects

Half human/half bug mutants.

And Laura Palmer’s Father.

All the makings of a really fun watch, and it is. The film begins with Cooper awakening at his office building, he’s wrapped in a cocoon and being stalked by what appears to be a giant dung beetle. He fights off the man-sized bug using office supplies. How you ask? Like chopping a leg off in a paper cutter. He finds himself surrounded by fellow workers, also wrapped in cocoons. He eventually releases a ragtag bunch of misfits so they can save the world. Cooper is rather dull and forgettable, so are he cohorts. The bugs were the real stars here, that is until Leland Palmer shows up. Leland kicks some insect ass, saving the film from a much lower rating. A fun watch, no biggie if you miss it.


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