Breaking News
Monday 10 October 2011

Info Post

Sarah Deming has filed a lawsuit against "Drive" distributors FilmDistrict and her local theater Emagine Novi for using a "misleading trailer" to get her to see the film according to Click on Detroit.

Seems that Miss Deming expected "Drive" to be more of a Fast and Furious style action piece rather than the retro art house drama with minimal actual driving that fueled the pic from Nicolas Winding Refn

Deming also claims that the film features "extreme gratuitous defamatory dehumanizing racism directed against members of the Jewish faith" and plans to turn her individual lawsuit into a class action suit this week.

FilmDistrict had no comment on the matter, while an Emagine spokesperson called it an extremely frivolous lawsuit.

I would agree Denning is just looking for her 15 minutes here...If I brought legal action against a movie that either was misleading as advertised or offended me in some way--it's a long list...There's racism in The Help should African Americans sue over that...?

How dopey can you be?


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