Breaking News
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Info Post
Will Atenton leaves his cushy job as an editor in New York for the quiet life in Connecticut with his family where he hopes to write a best-selling novel. When he tries to settle down into the domestic life, a couple peculiar things happen. First, the neighbors are all very aloof to the point of being disdainful. Second, some teenagers break into his basement to have a little party. Will eventually learns that his home was the site of some murders years earlier. Will investigates this and learns some extra facts which put him outside of his comfort zone.

This movie wasn't bad to the point where you're angry for wasting your time, it's really just kind of boring. The hour and 30 minutes feels like a long two. Very little happens during the course of the story, and by the time we get to the climax and the little surprise at the end, you're like, "Oh, that's who did it. " I like Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz, and they really do have good chemistry here, but, you can't help like feeling they're too much for the roles they're being given. Like Laurence Olivier in an infomercial or George C. Scott being hit in the groin by a football, these actors are far too talented for this film.


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