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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Info Post
(2009) **

Colin has been bitten by a zombie and is in the midst of turning. Once he fully embraces his zombiness, he leaves home and wanders about seeking live flesh to eat. His sister spots him on the road, she and her friends kidnap Colin and attempt to spark some shred of human memory from him, it doesn’t work. Does it sound kind of boring? That’s because it is. A day in the life of a zombie is pretty dull. They lumber around town looking for someone to eat, and that’s just about it. If it’s a particularly exciting day, they may run into a bunch of zombie killers. If they make it out alive, they live to shuffle around another day, if not, it’s no big deal. Ugh, Tony and I both fell asleep a half hour into this film. I had to rewatch the last hour and 10 minutes when I got up this morning, even then it was hard to stay awake. Tony described it best when he said, “Colin is a video tranquilizer.” Reserve this for a night when you need to combat insomnia, it'll put you right out, guaranteed.


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