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Wednesday 19 October 2011

Info Post
(2009) ***

Shelby, Tabitha, and Lisa have been friends since elementary school. When they are stalked by a childhood frenemy who's gone on a sadistic killing spree, they must try to stop him before the body count rises.

Sounds pretty typical, right? Well, it is. But it's enjoyable to see dark plot details and gruesome special effects. I watched this with JSP while he's indulging his 2011 clown fetish – er, I mean 2011 Horrorthon theme – and I found myself sucked in to this straight-to-DVD delight. One scene involving an attack of an evil clown posing as a lifesize doll was my favorite. 

I used to be mortally afraid of clowns as a child, but after dressing up for several Halloweens as clowns (then, consequently, as Boy George), I learned that clowns, if they're not our friends (or Boy George), need to be ended.

It was just my career that ended, lurve.

I would have liked to see more scenes regarding the development and life experiences of the killer. What was his family life like? Did he have any other sadistic friends? He ever get laid? As someone whose career it is to observe and educate young people through their various phases of adolescence, I've always been intrigued about how a person can change their outlook on life, or remain the same. 

But for all practical purposes this kid was born with nasty ideas and intentions that never were filtered or phased out.

The bottom line is that it was a fun movie to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon; not riveting, but not a sleeper, either.


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