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Monday 3 October 2011

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(2007) **1/2

If you like amusement parks, haunted houses, disposable teenagers and unsatisfying movies then look no further!

Following a half baked opening sequence in Africa involving a cursed monkey statue (to foreshadow the upcoming supernatural bullcrap), we're introduced to Hailey and Samantha - a pair of competitive stepsisters who resent each other. After a lame party, the two sneak into the "House of Fears" to catch a glimpse of the spooky theme park attraction before it's opened to the public.

Along for the ride are two horny guys and another couple whose names, faces and personalities escape me. While exploring the terrain, the gang divulge their deepest fears. One guy is afraid of knives (what a wuss), Hailey is claustrophobic and Other Girl is afraid of suffocating. Before the dialogue gets too unbearable they find themselves running for their lives, face to face with – brace yourself - the very fears they shared earlier. Can you freakin’ believe it? What are the odds!?

I'm always down for a mediocre haunted house story and House of Fears served up enough scarecrow, ghoul, house of mirror and psychotic clown moments to admittedly keep me entertained for an hour and a half. You're probably better off looking elsewhere though.


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