I've been a big fan of this movie since my first viewing (on the IMAX screen eight blocks from my house -- yes, it's good to live in...
Trailer for the trailer for ‘Prometheus’
There are only a few glimpses of footage here but it looks like Ridley Scott has captured the look and feel of Alien. I can't wait for ...
The Dark Knight Rises theatrical trailer
Since when do the adults speak in 'Peanuts'?
I have a Peanuts day calendar on my desk and I was surprised that today's strip included dialogue from Lucy’s mother. I’ve been reading...
Box office report: 'Sherlock Holmes' tops ho-hum weekend with $40 mil
From ew, Hollywood’s autumn blues continued as the box office trailed 2010 for the fourth week in a row. Thanks to the surprisingly soft deb...
Bowl Breath
JPX and I have been discussing this so very disturbing television commercial for many years but had been unable to locate it. The ad came up...
Hell, yeah! Part 2
Finally, we get to know what Bane was saying in that 6 minute prologue!
From WWTDD, When the 7 minute prologue trailer for ‘the Dark Knight Rises’ leaked yesterday, most people immediately said two things: “damn ...
Christopher Hitchens - dead at 62
(From AP) Christopher Hitchens, the author, essayist and polemicist who waged verbal and occasional physical battle on behalf of causes on ...
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengence trailer
WOW!!! Watch the first 6 minutes of The Dark Knight Rises
This is the 6 minute Dark Knight Rises prologue that will play before Mission Impossible 4 in certain IMAX theaters this weekend. Why wait ...
First Poster For Ridley Scott's Prometheus
[via cinemablend]
Iconic Paramount Logo Gets Centennial Anniversary Revamp
From slashfilm, Other than the Hollywood sign, the Paramount logo is arguably the most iconic image in the film business. Though the company...
Hell, yeah! The Expendables II teaser
Ghost Rider reboot apparently awful
From cinemablend, Here are the basics. Nic Cage returns as spirit of vengeance Johnny Blaze, who sold his soul to The Devil (Ciaran Hinds) a...
TWIN PEAKS Music Galore!
From aintitcoolnews, That's right! That gum you like is going to come back in style. Since March of this year Lynch has been slowly rele...
Horrorthon Faves Results!
Thankyou for your patience, and it's good to see the blog chugging along as usual. Using some precise and impressive technology (I have...
John Carter Trailer
'Watchmen' writer Alan Moore joins Occupy Comics group, slams Frank Miller for criticizing protesters
From ew, Watchmen writer Alan Moore has joined Occupy Comics, an organization of comics-industry notables who are lending their support to t...
Early Spoiler-Free Reaction: ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Prologue
From slashfilm, Tonight I was invited to the IMAX Theatre at Universal Citywalk to get an early look at Christopher Nolan‘s The Dark Knight ...
George Takei, Prince of (Star) Peace
From toplessrobot, The wise, wonderful George Takei has stepped into the bitter war of words between William Shatner and Carrie Fisher, tryi...
Men in Black III trailer
Star Trek Themed Local Mattress Store Commercial
From geekology, So I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today (which, incidentally, is just a mattress on the floor because why pay for a ...
Cool posters!
Mysterious Paper Sculptures
(From Central Stn) One day in March, staff at the Scottish Poetry Library came across a wonderful creation, left anonymously on a table in ...
DCD's Best of H-thon 2011
Screw work, dammit! I wanted to do so much more this year! Oh well. Without further ado... All Around Fave: Burning Bright . This movie h...
Yes, JPX, it has a name: Coulrophobia , the "irrational" fear of clowns. I came across this definition following some links. So t...
Vote Vote Vote! Vote for your favorites!
Welcome to the first ever Horrorthonner Favorite Awards! Or Something! I Don't Know What We'll Call Them! Welcome! It's been...
Happy Birthday Catfreeek!
Hope you had a freakalicious birthday and that all of your twisted, deeply disturbing dreams come true. You rock, Catfreeek!
Horrorthon Faves! Voting in a few days!
Here's what I'm thinking about for this week, before Horrorthon returns to its regularly scheduled bloggery. I hope those of us st...
The Walking Dead discussion
I went back and watched most of the first season again and it's just so good...anyway there needs to be lots and lots of spoiler-iffic H...
See Octopunk at work!
If you click here you can watch the three-minute making-of video about the show I worked on last spring. I make a brief appearance at 2:46...
Octopunk's Best of Horrorthon 2011
Man, what a contest this year! I am SO glad we imposed a deadline, otherwise I'd be living with guilty pressure for months to come, and...
The Walking Dead
I've been MIA all through the festivities this year because I've been very busy with a couple of things, but also because I'm ju...
JPX's Best of Horrorthon 2011
Wow, what a great, fun season! I am very pleased with the selections I made this year and I enjoyed nearly all of them. Here we go... Favo...
Bonus Horrorthon Challenge!
Pop quiz, hot shots: How many of the 72 horror icons can you identify? The Rules : Click on the images to embiggen them. Make a 1-72 list. ...