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Monday, 5 December 2011

Info Post

Here's what I'm thinking about for this week, before Horrorthon returns to its regularly scheduled bloggery. I hope those of us still holding out on Best Ofs (I can't make fun, I waited until December) manage to post them over the next few days, then I'll do a post calling for votes on various 2011 favorites. We can vote for a couple of days and then all have pie. Here are the categories we thunk up so far.

Straight-up Most Movies Watched (Abby won!)
All-Around Favorite review
Funniest review
Best So Bad It's Good review
Best Discovery
Most Obscure Discovery
Best coverage of a theme or series
Best Screenshot
Funniest comment

I suggest everyone look over our two months of output over the next couple of days and think up some faves in these categories and any other write-in categories you can think of. I'll do a post Wednesday night that we can all attach votes to in the comments section.

I'm thinking we can keep it flexible. If you can't think of a good example for "funniest comment," for example (as that might require a lot of re-reading), blow it off. If two categories are too similar, drop one of them. It's our first year doing this and Horrorthon is always an evolving beast.

Great contest this year, guys. Cracking good stuff. See you here on Wednesday.


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